Sunday, May 20, 2007


The numer two has played a significant role in my life. In addition to what regularly comes in twos, I have two gadgets for seeing - my eyeglasses and my contact lenses; I lost two molars because I ate twoooooo many candies; and my appetite, definitely enough for two.

Two, two, two - allow me to tell you why two.

I was two-times-three years old when I learned that my parents just wanted to have two kids. That information made me proud because I know I am kid number two...or so I thought.

From gossipping yayas, I learned that my parents actually had another baby but lost it when two rats lept at my Mom causing her to have a misscarriage. So that made me kid number three! But hey, thanks to the two rats now I am kid number two.

When I was in college I had to take a major subject twice because I was busy being president of two organizations. I became so busy that I forgot that I should maintain a grade of "2".

I took the CPA board exams twice because I was busy preparing for a trip to Hong Kong without my parents knowing it. I was even scolded by a parent of a classmate of mine because his kid ended up two places lower in the top 20 than what they expected. When I took the CIA exams the first time, I passed two of the hardest subjects but failed on the easiest one. So when I took the exam again, I know I’m going to pass because that was already my take two.

Two, two, two – tell me why does it have to be two? Two, two, two – why does it have to be me and not you!

Speeches are best if our points are in threes. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the famous trinity. I could have gotten honors had I taken everything once; I could have landed a high paying job if I didn’t think two by two and decided at once.

But Jesus was so kind in telling me why – why it has to be two and not happen to you.

He told me that my parents were not matured yet at that time and were not ready with the first baby. He instead gave me so they’ll be worry-free.

He told me to stay for another year in college so I can be with my father who suffered a stroke and was confined to the hospital for almost three months. He gave me the organizations so I won’t blame my failures to my father.

I had to take the CPA exams twice so I can spend some time in helping a friend put up a business. And the CIA, for rejecting a job offer in chaotic Beijing.

Two, two, two – now I know why it has to be two. Two, two, two – now I know why it has to be me and not you.

I asked a question and He answered me well. He gave me a number that made me well.

I am two, I am two – tell me what number are you?


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